Assignment: Planning Pamphlet

Assignment: Planning Pamphlet

Assignment: Planning Pamphlet

Assignment: Planning Pamphlet


Week 6 Meaningful Use Planning Pamphlet You are in charge of planning and implementing the third stage of meaningful use at a large healthcare organization. Create an educational pamphlet to explain the third stage of meaningful use and its effect on health care and electronic health records. In addition to course resources, a minimum of two outside resources must be used. Examples of scholarly sources include professional journal articles and books obtained from library databases, national guidelines, and informatics organizations, published within the last five years. Websites with free software for building creative items that you can then download as a PDF: Canva Click for more options My Creative Shop Vengage Lucidpress Note: WCU is not responsible for these websites. You do not have to use any of them; this is only a list to provide options. You can use any software you have available with which you are most comfortable and can be downloaded as a PDF for assignment submission.

Even in this digital world we now live in, brochures can be your company’s best friend. They can work in conjunction with your other sales literature. Or alone. What’s more, they don’t even need to be printed, with PDF and eBook technology making it very easy to read one on a tablet, desktop, or even a phone. However, without careful planning, preparation, and execution, the entire process can become a waste of your time and money. So, follow these six steps to create an effective brochure that will increase inquiries, acquisition, and even retention.

    1. Know Your Brochure’s Place in the Buying Process: Your product, the market, even your approach to how you want to make the sale are all major factors in how you write your brochure. Determine where your brochure functions in the buying process:
      1. Leave-Behinds: Named for the type of brochure you leave behind after meeting a potential customer. It should support what you have just presented.
      2. Point-of-sale: The type of brochure you may pick up while waiting in line at the bank. It can be a good tool to raise interest, and get people asking for more.
      3. Respond to Inquiries: Someone asks about a specific product and you drop a brochure in the mail, or email, to follow up. It should be expansive, give them as much information as you can.
      4. Direct Mail: Your sales letter sells but you can also include your brochure into your direct mail package. However, great direct mail is more than a letter and a brochure, so think carefully about how to make it stand out.
      5. Sales Support Tool: Similar to leave-behinds but you use this type as a selling aid through a sales pitch.
    1. Know If Your Brochure Stands Alone: Some companies have one brochure for one product and that’s it. Others use their brochure in combination with other advertising mediums (commercials, print ads, direct mail, etc.). If you’re writing a brochure to be used with other forms of advertising, your content will be determined by the ad campaign.
      For example, you’ve created the perfect direct mail package. Your sales letter covers the reasons your prospect has to buy your product now.
      Don’t follow up your direct mail masterpiece with a repetitious brochure. You’ve already convinced your potential customer that you have a great product. Now show them the benefits and features your product offers. The brochure here should complement your DM piece, not parrot it.
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