Assignment: Implementation Teaching Plan
Assignment: Implementation Teaching Plan
Assignment: Implementation Teaching Plan
Assignment: Implementation Teaching Plan
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Week 3 EHR Implementation Teaching/Training Plan As the nursing informaticist leading the implementation of a new electronic health record, you may be assigned the task of developing a teaching/training plan for your newly acquired EHR. There are a number of things you must consider when developing teaching/training materials. These include, but are not limited to: Setting/Practice type Having a plan for each “role” that needs training at your facility (e.g., IT professionals, providers, patients, management) Figuring out what training each particular group will need and how you will schedule these trainings based on the groupings. Consider grouping different roles for specific trainings where you can for efficiency Meaningful use Although we realize that in reality a teaching/training implementation plan would be an extensive plan involving all stakeholders from employees to patients, for the purpose of this assignment, we are going to have you focus on employee groups in a specific type of setting. Visit the Implementation Resources pages of at the following link: Explore the site’s resources by narrowing the search using the tool on the left side of the page several different times to see different materials for different situations. Choose a setting/practice type and describe it in detail. Then, choose three different resources you might use at the start of a teaching/training plan in this setting (include them in your submission as appendices, not counting toward the page count of your paper). Make sure at least two of the resources apply to at least two different roles within the setting. Describe why you chose each one, how you would use each one, who they are geared toward (group roles when possible for efficiency), the setting in which they apply, and any other considerations you made while choosing them. Write a three- to four-page paper in APA format, providing a minimum of three scholarly resources to support your teaching/training initial plan. Examples of scholarly sources include professional journal articles and books obtained from library databases, national guidelines, and informatics organizations, published within the last five years.
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