Assignment: Genetic Mutation
Assignment: Genetic Mutation
Assignment: Genetic Mutation
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5. Her twin brother Joseph is born with a genetic mutation of the FGRF 3. He has
a. dysplasia of the hip b. clubfoot c. torticollis d. achondroplasia
6. Andrew is 10 years old and loves to climb trees. Andrew fell while climbing his favorite magnolia tree and broke his ulna. The x-ray reveals that the injured ulna is broken into 4 small pieces. What type of fracture is this?
a. incomplete b. complete c. comminuted d. compression
7. Four days later Andrew’s great grandmother, Memaw, tripped over her kitty, Precious, fell, and broke the neck of her right femur. Given her age, which of the following probably contributed to Memaw’s fracture?
a. osteomyelitis b. osteoporosis c. osteomalacia d. septic arthritis
8. Michelle is taking a conducting class at ETBU. Her professor suggests that she video herself while conducting. Michelle notices that she is awkwardly bent at the hips and shoulders. Which problem of the spine is the most likely cause of her posture?
a. kyphosis b. compression fracture of vertebra c. herniated intervertebral disc d. scoliosis
9. Rheumatoid factor is an antibody directed against
a. the pannus b. immunoglobulin G c. the synovium d. joint cartilage
Chapter 22: Muscles and Nerves
1. A difference between Duchenne Dystrophy and myotonic dystrophy is:
Duchenne dystrophy is an autosomal dominant disease, while myotonic dystrophy is sex-linked
Myotonic dystrophy is an autosomal dominant disease, while Duchenne dystrophy is sex-linked
Duchenne is characterized by progressive weakness
Myotonic dystrophy features the replacement of muscle by adipose and fibrous tissue
2. In which disease are antibodies against the acetylcholine receptor found in serum?
Guillain-Barre B. Werdnig-Hoffman C. Myasthenia gravis D. Rhabdomyosarcoma
3. A patient presents to the emergency department with new onset paralysis in the peripheral limbs. The patient reports they recovered from a viral illness the previous week. Which of the following is a likely diagnosis?
A. Guillain-Barre B. Werdnig-Hoffman C. Myasthenia gravis D. Rhabdomyosarcoma
4. A patient presents to the clinic with complaint of weakness, pain, and tenderness. Laboratory exam reveals elevated creatine kinase levels, and a muscle biopsy reveals lymphocytic infiltration of muscle fibers. Which of the following diagnoses is likely?
A. Guillain-Barre B. Polymyositis C. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis D. Myasthenia Gravis
5. A patient presents to the emergency department with new onset paralysis in the peripheral limbs. The patient reports they recovered from a viral illness the previous week. Which of the following is a likely diagnosis?
a. Guillain-Barre b. Werdnig-Hoffman c. Myasthenia gravis d. Rhabdomyosarcoma
6. A patient presents to the clinic with complaint of weakness, pain, and tenderness. Laboratory exam reveals elevated creatine kinase levels, and a muscle biopsy reveals lymphocytic infiltration of muscle fibers. Which of the following diagnoses is likely?
a. Guillain-Barre b. Polymyositis c. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis d. Myasthenia Gravis
7. Your nephew Justin has been diagnosed with pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy. Which type of muscular dystrophy is he most likely to have?
a. Duchenne b. myotonic c. congenital d. neurogenic
8. Justin has a twin sister, Caroline. Is she likely to succumb to the same condition as Justin?
a. yes b. no c. maybe d. depends on what she eats
9. Lexi strained her gastrocnemius muscle while chasing Jeremy around the student center. What type of injury is this?
a. joint injury b. pulled muscle c. pulled ligament d. broken bone
10. Fernando comes into the clinic complaining of muscle weakness in his shoulders, soreness, and pain since chopping a cord of wood. Blood serum studies show normal CBC with normal distribution of WBC. Serum creatine kinase is elevated but all other blood chemistries are normal. You decided to do an electromyographic study . The results are “asynchronous spontaneous activity” in the right shoulder. Which is most likely the source of his discomfort?
a. myopathic damage b. neurogenic damage c. myotonia d. none of these
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