Assignment: Ethnic Diversity
Assignment: Ethnic Diversity
Assignment: Ethnic Diversity
Popular notions of “ideal” female beauty in the U.S. have often associated that ideal with both thinness and whiteness. What are some important practices by which female inscribe (or try to inscribe) the ideals on their bodies? More recently, women of different skin tones, ethnic heritage, shapes, and weights have become well known. Discuss some ways that these changes may now challenge, or ultimately affect that ideal.
Action research methodology can provide valuable assessment information regarding the outcome of your research. The major purpose of this assignment is to begin to identify significant themes that are becoming evident in the implementation of your action research project and your data collection. The key is to begin to discover trends in your data without making premature decisions; however minor adjustments can be made next week. Action research provides correlative and data driven information that can be used to make positive changes in the teaching and learning environment (Buczynski & Hansen, 2014); Mills, 2014). Additionally, thinking about the key stakeholders and their role in your research is important as well. In summary, this assignment is a preliminary interpretation of the various data obtained thus far. Without committing to initial assumptions, you are to begin to identify the key patterns that are emerging.
To prepare for this assignment, view the Silva (2011) video, Action Research @ a Glance (for written transcript, click here). Next, construct your written assignment to meet the content and written communication expectations stated below.
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