Assignment: Clinical Questions

Assignment: Clinical Questions

Assignment: Clinical Questions

Assignment: Clinical Questions


Week 6 assignment 2 Evidence Based Project Proposal For your Dropbox assignment this week, you will write Part 3 of your project proposal. In a one- to two-page paper in APA format, include: Your clinical question How the clinical question indicates the type of study that will be done (quasi-experimental vs. experimental). Describe the type of study. Theoretical framework(s) chosen including a rationale for your choice Week 7 assignment 2 Evidence Based Project Proposal For your Dropbox assignment this week, you will write Part 4, the Methods section of your project proposal that consists of plans for conducting the study of the intervention and methods of evaluation. Use the titles of each bullet point in your paper. In a two- to three-page APA formatted paper: Study design: Briefly describe the study design indicated by the question (experimental, quasi-experimental, descriptive). Setting/sample: Briefly describe the setting for the study, who your study participants will be, and how these participants will be chosen. Will random sampling or a sample of convenience be used? Confidentiality: How will you protect the confidentiality of your participants? Procedures/intervention: Discuss the intervention you will implement and the procedures you will use in enough detail that others could replicate the study. Instruments/scales and measurement of outcomes: Describe the instruments you will use to measure changes and whether they are quantitative, qualitative, or of a mixed design. If they have been tested previously, include reliability and validity data. Data collection: Explain plans for data collection including: Methods of collection, i.e., interviews, paper and pencil testing, etc. Testing frequency. Will you gather baseline data prior to the intervention? Will you employ repeated measures such as pre- and posttests? Week 8 assignment 2 Statistical Analysis For this week’s Dropbox assignment, you will begin to develop Part 5 of your project proposal: Analyzing change. In your discussion, include the following points: State your clinical question. Briefly state the intervention you will implement. While these two items are not typically included in Part 5, doing so will help orient faculty so appropriate feedback can be provided. What outcomes will be analyzed and how they will be analyzed? Describe the statistical analysis you will do relating this to the data collection tools you plan to use. Indicate the types of demographic data you plan to report on your participants as well. Briefly discuss the outcomes expected should this project be implemented. After receiving feedback from faculty, incorporate the appropriate content into your project proposal.

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