Annotated Bibliograph

Instructions: Create an annotated bibliography of 10 sources—2 articles from academic sources, 3 from popular magazines, and 5 from newspapers articles more relevant to your topic. For this assignment, I need the writer to:

Cite each source correctly in APA/MLA style.
Write a summary paragraph (3-5 sentences for each source describing the author’s thesis and main points. There is no need to explain who the author is or where it was published, as a reader can tell that from the citation.
Write an evaluation summary (305 sentences for each article. Your evaluation should address the following questions:

–Why did you pick this article?
–How does it relate to your topic?
–How helpful is it?
–Does it present a broad overview, or does it focus on one specific issue/example?

In your writing, make a clear distinction between your words and your source’s words

** My topic is the one-child policy in China. Kindly write me a research question(s), thesis, sources, and possible arguments.
** If receive a good grade, I will have you write my paper. It is due in December but I want an early start.

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