Analyzing Organization

In order to provide both a model and a vehicle for analyzing how organization works in a large research paper, I have supplied an abbreviated version of the article, entitled, “Using the Past to Recuperate the Present: The Authentic Evil of Madame Delphine Lalaurie in American Horror Story: Coven.” Actions For this week’s exercise, after reading the article, answer the following: 1) What is the thesis for this essay? Where is it placed? 2) Notice that the article has been sectionalized and uses subheads. Which of these areas serves as the paper’s “background section” (hint: there might be more than one!) 3) Why do I take the time to define the word “authenticity” according to other experts? How is authenticity related to the overall argument? 4) Look at the first and last sentences of the paragraphs of the article. Choose one example where you think the transition between paragraphs works well to maintain a “roadmap” of the argument. Explain (provide page number and quote the actual sentences). 5) Read the paragraph below and discuss how it presents and analyzes evidence from the show. How is the evidence broken down and connected to the overall argument? “The various factors that contribute to the evilness of Madame Lalaurie’s character become further intertwined in her relationship with Queenie. Lalaurie’s admission about killing a mixed-race infant exemplifies the entanglement. Not only does she reveal herself as the monstrous feminine/maternal to Queenie, but as a racist at the same time: “Couldn’t have a high yellow bastard growing up in my house, laying claim to our fortune. Poor girl, next morning she threw herself off the balcony. Cracked her head open on the pavement, cracked it open like an egg. We buried her with her baby. It was the right thing to do” (“Dead”). This short speech lays bare the many facets of Lalaurie’s evilness. She degrades the child with a racial slur and shows a twisted motherly regret for the slave mother. The camera’s focus on her glassy-eyed stare as she repeats herself about the woman’s head cracking open, followed by a slow zooming in on an image of the dead woman lying in a pool of blood, creates a visual connection to Lalaurie’s monstrous fascination with the abject. Finally, the moment supplies yet another connection to the historical record (such as it is) by indirectly referencing a popular story that the historical Lalaurie was once seen chasing a young female slave, who eventually fell off a rooftop to her death (Long 81).” Previous

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