Analysis of U.S. Supreme Court Case – District of Columbia v. Heller (2008
You are to submit a 6-10 sentence introductory paragraph that provides a brief overview of U.S. Supreme Court case “District of Columbia v. Heller”. You also need to develop a strong thesis which addresses whether you agree or disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision and why.
You should start your intro paragraph with a good opening sentence to hook the reader (1 sentence). Then provide a brief overview of your chosen case (3-4 sentences). Finally, the last few sentences should set up your thesis. A sample of a thesis for a different amendment would be: “I agree with the Supreme Court’s decision in (title of your chosen court case) because I believe that sentencing people with a low intelligence (IQ) to death is in violation of the 8th Amendment’s cruel and unusual punishment provision …” Then, briefly explain the justification of your thesis (3-5 sentences).
Basically, I’d like to see these three ideas in your submission:
1) Name (italics) and year of case (parenthesis); and a broad overview of what the cases was about (only highly relent details, like “his cellphone was searched with a warrant”) and the legal/constitutional question presented to the court. “Was the search constitutional under the Fourth Amendment.”
2) How did the court rule and why?
3) Your impression (was the court right or wrong?) and why. This will form your “thesis” for the final paper.
The post Analysis of U.S. Supreme Court Case – District of Columbia v. Heller (2008 ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.
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