Assignment: Auscultation Abdomen

Assignment: Auscultation Abdomen

Assignment: Auscultation Abdomen

Assignment: Auscultation Abdomen


NR601 Week 4.2 Discussion Part Two (graded) Physical Exam: Vital signs: blood pressure 128/84, heart rate 80 respirations 20, temperature 98.5 height 5’3”, weight 130 pounds General: no acute distress HEENT: Head normocephalic without evidence of masses or trauma. PERRLA, EOMs intact. Noninjected. Fundoscopic exam unremarkable. Ear canal without redness or irritation, TMs clear, pearly, bony landmarks visible. No discharge, no pain noted. Neck negative for masses. No thyromegaly. No JVD distention Skin: intact CV: S1 and S2 RRR, no murmurs, no rubs Lungs: Clear to auscultation Abdomen: Soft, nontender, nondistended, bowel sounds present all 4 quadrants, no organomegaly, and no bruits Musculoskeletal: No pain to palpation; Antalgic gait noted when patient rises from seated position to standing and begins to walk. Active and passive ROM decreased with stiffness Neuro: Sensation intact to bilateral upper and lower extremities; Bilateral UE/LE strength 5/5. Discussion Questions Part Two For the primary diagnosis explain how you would proceed with your work-up and include the following: lab work and imaging studies How would you manage this patient pharmacologically? Is it appropriate that she is taking Ibuprofen prn? What non-pharmacological strategies would be appropriate? Describe patient education strategies. Describe follow-up and any referrals that may be necessary.

© homeworkjoy.comAuscultation of the abdomen is performed for detection of altered bowel sounds, rubs, or vascular bruits. … Atherosclerosis may alter arterial blood flow so that a bruit is produced. Palpation is the examination of the abdomen for crepitus of theabdominal wall, for any abdominal tenderness, or forabdominal masses.

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