Assignment: Parenthetical Phrase

Assignment: Parenthetical Phrase

Assignment: Parenthetical Phrase

Assignment: Parenthetical Phrase


Week 2 assignment 2 Evidence Based Project Proposal For this week’s Dropbox assignment, you will submit Part 1 of the project proposal in a one-page APA formatted paper (excluding the cover page and reference page). Be sure to reflect on feedback from faculty and classmates from this week’s discussion. Include: Part 1: Introduction Summarize the practice issue in need of change providing background information and the perceived significance of the problem Describe the specific aims of the project – what improved outcomes do you hope to achieve State your question in PICOT format, labeling each part with P-I-C-O-T in parentheses Discuss the significance of the issue in terms of poor outcomes, cost, etc

parenthesis is a tall, curvy punctuation mark used to set off material that isn’t fundamental to the main topic, like an afterthought or an aside (or a funny joke).

Parenthesis marks come in pairs: the plural is spelled “parentheses.” Parentheses look like this: ( ). When you use parentheses to set off material in a sentence, you say that the material is “in parenthesis.” Put something in parentheses if it’s a comment, an afterthought, or additional information that is possibly interesting but not essential to the subject. You can also describe something as a parenthesis, like a digressive story about horses in the middle of a political speech.In rhetoric, a parenthesis or parenthetical phrase is an explanatory or qualifying word, clause, or sentence inserted into a passage. The parenthesis could be left out and still form grammatically correct text. Parentheses are usually marked off by round or square brackets, dashes, or commas.A parenthesis is usually offset with parentheses (i.e., round brackets), commas, or dashes. … Not all examples of parenthesis sit within a sentence. For example, aparenthesis can be one or more sentences inserted into a paragraph. A parenthesisis sometimes called an interrupter as it interrupts the flow of text.

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